• The seasons come and go, and the scenery around us changes.
    As the days flow by and are gone, simply standing still every now and then can be enough to find new and stimulating encounters.

    Take a break and see what insights you might discover.
    Take a deep sip of tea.
    “Pause & Inspire”

    #14 Keep Calm and Carry On

    The desire to surround oneself with things that make you feel good is perfectly natural. It is made all the more evident by how unnatural the reverse would be.

    But life is not always that simple. Sometimes, you have to close your eyes and give yourself over to the music you love.

    “Resting against the window pane, feeling the sun illuminate my back…”

    I remember a song that starts like that.

    I recall an album cover featuring the singer sitting quietly, lit by sunlight shining through a window to his right… I think it was Lou Courtney.

    What do you like to listen to? What do you like to drink?

    Teaware ¥4,290 (Ocha SURU? Glass Kyu-su 01); Felt sleeve ¥1,100; Sencha “Danran” (Chaya Suzuwa, from CHAGOCORO brew note Album (7 varieties, ¥1,296))
    Teaware ¥4,290 (Ocha SURU? Glass Kyu-su 01); Felt sleeve ¥1,100; Sencha “JAPANESE COMMUNI-TEA” (VAISA, from CHAGOCORO brew note Album (7 varieties, ¥1,296))
    Coveralls ¥93,500; T-shirt ¥17,600; Boots ¥82,500 (all from HYKE/BOWLES, Phone: 03-3719-1239)

    Keep calm, and carry on toward tomorrow.

    And don’t forget to drink some tea now and again.

    To be continued.

    Model: miu
    Direction & Styling: Tadashi Mochizuki
    Photography: Masayuki Shimizu
    Hair & Make-up: Nori
    Edit & Text: Yoshiki Tatezaki|Assistant: Mika Kobayashi
    Location: LOU [Instagram]
    Produce: Kenichi Kakuno & Hiroshi Inada

    Choose your tea like picking your next song.
    Choose your OCHA like picking your next song.
    Find out more on chagocoro.jp/the-brew-note